Effects of WB-EMS on non-specific back pain

composición corporal en mayores con sarcopenia

Low back pain (LBP) is one of the leading orthopaedic diseases worldwide and affects almost everyone at least once in a lifetime [2,3]. In approximately 80% of cases, the cause of low back pain is not known and is declared nonspecific [4]. Physical exercise can be a good alternative to treat such ailment. This study […]

WB-EMS with nutritional intervention improve body composition in cancer patients

EMS with nutritional intervention improve body composition in cancer patients

Introduction The novel method of training the whole body electrostimulation (WB-EMS) provides a time-saving option. The effectiveness of WB-EMS in increasing muscle strength and mass in athletes. (Filipovic A, et. Al., 2012), was also demonstrated in the elderly, sedentary people and patients with chronic heart failure. (Filipovic A, et. Al., 2012), but studies with cancer […]

Effects of WB-EMS on undulating training periodization in runners

Effects of WB-EMS on undulating training periodization in runners

Introduction WB-EMS improves muscle strength in elite soccer players (Filipovic et al., 2016), in postmenopausal women (Kemmler et al., 2010) and in healthy middle-aged men without training (Kemmler et al., 2016). Method Fifteen healthy male recreational runners were recruited, who had been running 2-3 times a week and had no previous experience with WB-EMS. Three […]

WB-EMS improves performance factors in recreational runners

WB-EMS improves performance factors in recreational runners

Long distance running training depends on the interaction of physiological, biomechanical and psychological factors (Basett and Howley, 2000). Therefore, strength training has become an effective strategy to improve aerobic performance. (Mujika. 2017; Berryman et al. 2018). Full body electrostimulation (WB-EMS) improves body composition in women over 60 with obesity who have suffered loss of muscle […]