Patricia Montero

Actress and yogger


Patricia Montero was born in Valencia in July 1988. She is known for her facet as an actress (Yo soy Bea ‘,’ Los hombres de Paco ‘, or’ El don de Alba ‘) but before reaching fame within the world of acting she devoted herself´s body and soul to sport.

With only 6 years old she already stepped on the rugs of the gymnasiums and started her sports life practicing rhythmic gymnastics. Shortly after, she went to the Children’s Fitness, which was dedicated for 8 years and with which she managed to be Spain Champion and European Silver Medalist. Dancing has also been important throughout her life and she has tried contemporary dance, jazz, hip hop, tap dancing, flamenco and has studied classical dance.

With this sporting journey it is easy to understand why for Patricia are important values such as effort, discipline, perseverance, companionship, respect, responsibility, humility.

Patricia defines herself as a Mediterranean blood woman, lover of paella and expert in squeezing every moment to the fullest. Passionate about the healthy life and faithful follower of the sport, but, above all, in love with her daughter Lis. Cheerful, funny, a friend of her friends, of her dogs, stubborn, tireless fighter and unconditional dreamer.

You have more information about Patricia on her website, where you can also find out about her book “Pon en forma tu yo interior”.