Sandra Corcuera

seven-time Retrorunning World Champion

Sandra Corcuera Wiemspro Spain

Sandra Corcuera seven-time Retrorunning World Champion, the month of July 2018, she got her last title of World Champion in 10,000 and 5,000 meters flat in the course of the 7th IRR Retrorunning World Championship in Bologna, which is added to the 5 titles achieved in the World Championships of the years 2012, 2014 and 2016.

In addition, Sandra, has previously achieved, an Absolute Bronze in the Catalonia Marathon Championship, the title of Catalonia Veteran Marathon Champion, a silver in the Catalonia Veteran Marathon Championship, an Absolute 3rd place in the Girona Cross Country Circuit, apart from more than 300 podiums in more than 500 races (from 100 mts to 100 kms).

In 2017 he has achieved in May the Victory in the XVIIth Italian Road Retrorunning Championship and in July the Victory in Como within the Italian Retrorunning Cup.

Sandra Corcuera seven-time Retrorunning World Champion

A few days ago we woke up to a report that Cristina Cubero Alcalde (@criscuberoalcalde) did in the Mundo Deportivo supplement about our magnificent athlete Sandra Corcuera.

She is the seven-time Retrorunning World Champion, she has achieved two of the golds in 2018 in Bologna in 10,000m and 5,000m, being silver in the 3,000m. This 1.62m tall Barcelonan has hundreds of races, podiums and trophies behind her, although as she herself admits she started in this discipline by mistake. After participating in disciplines such as cross country, route, marathon, ultra-fondo, trail or triathlon, she signed up for a race advertised as “Retrorunning” thinking that the name would be a mere marketing strategy. She did not give any more importance to that fact until the day of the test arrived and they told her that she had to run backwards. She had a hard time that day, but she began to investigate and discovered that it was a modality with the International Federation since 2005.

As she is passionate about sports and there is no challenge that can resist her, she began to prepare her first World Cup… and so far, with a total of seven in her possession. And we are convinced that the thing will not stop there.

Sandra Corcuera Wiemspro Spain

With his already famous “Al revés mola más” (#alrevesmolamas) he is one of the main figures and promoters of this modality worldwide, and at Wiemspro we are more than proud to be part of his sponsors. A list not too long as she indicates due to the general public’s ignorance about this sport, but she has more and more followers and little by little she is taking on the relevance she deserves.

Her dream is to retro running to become an Olympic Sport, something that was tried but not achieved in London 2012. A campaign was also carried out to try to include it as an exhibition in the Tokyo 2020 Games, but it could not be. We hope it can be in Paris in 2024.

From here we send our best wishes to this tireless Wiemspro athlete, for her next competitions where we are sure she will return with more titles in her pockets.