How Wiemspro can boost your sports product sales business

How Wiemspro can boost your sports product sales business

In today’s blog we are going to talk about how Wiemspro fitness technology can boost your business selling sports products, how to get better performance from your business and why this sale of sports products is important. What are the most important sports products? There is a wide variety of sports products for sale considered […]

These are the 5 types of squats you should incorporate into your routine

squats wtih Wiemspro

Squats are one of the exercises that we should not skip in our daily exercise routine. Undoubtedly, their potential is tremendous, especially when we master the technique and try other more demanding versions. What types of squats are there? How to execute each type of squat? Below we resolve your doubts and show you how […]

The celebrities’ secret training

Eva gonzalez training with Wiemspro

We all know that the most well-known celebrities on the Spanish national scene take care of their bodies. They rely on strict training plans which lead them to adopt the latest bodily treatments to achieve all their goals. For this reason, in this article we are going to let you in on the secret kept […]

Myths about EMS in 20 minutes

mitos EMS-wiemspro

EMS  is not a magical training system as we often see in many advertisements about it. It is rather an evolution of the training model that makes the results even more effective. Therefore, we tell you some of the myths about EMS: 1. You can only train 20 minutes a week This is an example […]

What makes Wiemspro system so unique in whole-body electrostimulation?

Today we are going to talk about the key which makes Wiemspro the pioneer in the electrostimulation world, a service and a quality product which changes your sport centre in a more quality business due to the possibilities that it offers to trainers and users. The more appreciate values are support and technology, do you […]

What is exactly the whole body electrostimulation?

que es la ems a cuerpo completo-wiemspro

Have you heard about whole-body electrostimulation? Are you in a mess and you do not know whether to try it? Surely you have read and heard opinions of all kinds, often with little foundation. Today we are going to give you a simple explanation based on experience and real knowledge, not assumptions or beliefs. Go! […]

Electrostimulation and Golf


Golf and electrostimulation go hand in hand. Golf is a precision sport in which the metabolic requirements (caloric expenditure, heart rate, lactate accumulation …) are not too high. Very often, people tend to think wrongly that it is alow demand sport, in which injuries will be improbable and the physical preparation does not play a fundamental role. This misguided reasoning […]

WB EMS wireless Wiemspro: Customised electrostimulation

Experience the complete freedom and flexibility of the electrostimulation which the WB EMS Wireless Wiemspro provides. With its customised workout program, create personalised electric impulse profiles for your clients. WB EMS Wireless Wiemspro. Your training customised to the full The WB EMS Wireless Wiemspro is an innovative electrostimulation training program, which allows you to completely customise your muscle electrostimulation training programs, […]