Today we are going to talk about the key which makes Wiemspro the pioneer in the electrostimulation world, a service and a quality product which changes your sport centre in a more quality business due to the possibilities that it offers to trainers and users. The more appreciate values are support and technology, do you dare to try it?
1. Pioneering and leading technology development
Wiemspro is pioneering a really wireless technology. In fact, before Wiemspro it was necessary to be permanent connected to an unmovable machine by a wiring, reducing the mobility and freedom in exercises, and consequently, the exercises available.
Nevertheless, now you could performance any kind of training while you benefit of that technology. We have succeeded in removing the limits of space, offering limitless trainings where you could use as much space as you wish, even trainings based in running or cycling. True freedom of movement!
But its adaptive capacity would not be complete without the option of design the optimal impulse. Wiemspro is the first whole body electrostimulation system which allows you to fully configure the electric impulse, in such a way that it can fulfil all the trainer and user needs. Before that technology it was restricted to just 3 or 4 programs, with no option to configure it thus the trainers and client goals could not be reached in its entirety. In other worlds, before, it was the trainer who had to adapt himself to the technology, now is the technology which adapts itself to the trainer. Design your training as you always do and complete it with the specific electric impulse that you need in each moment.
2. Multi-user training easy to use
Another important differentiating factor is the multi-user system. You could carry out trainings and group activities managing up to 12 users from one iPad. That will allow you to adjust prices increasing your benefits. Moreover, that double satisfaction (user-trainer) will help you to have more profitable service and centre. On the other hand, it will greatly increase the user experience as well as the results. We know that many group trainings do not wish to train in a fitness classes, that is to say, they do not like strength workouts as they believe it as boring and less-effective.
Este último aspecto no solo afecta al sector del fitness, sino que también hace esta tecnología aplicable a nivel de rendimiento deportivo. Imagina poder entrenar a tu equipo de baloncesto, balonmano o fútbol con la última tecnología y en situaciones simuladas de juego. ¡Tú pones los límites!
That latter case does not just concern the fitness sector, but also makes that technology appropiate in terms of sport performance. Imagine training your basket, handball or football team with the cutting edge technology and in game simulated situations. You choose the limits!
3. New concept of suits
In order to make the most out of that experience we have design suits or vests that really meet the demands in a training centre. Lightness, flexibility and durability converge in a design which allows any training, from strength to movability, in comfortable and natural way.
That makes that the sense of freedom complete, embracing all the components that make up the system. This happen already at the time that clients had to use heavy and uncomfortable suit, similar to an armor.
Now you could use whole body electrostimulation with no limits in movements and an unprecedented comfort, basically, you will forget that you have a suit on you.