Electrostimulation and Golf


Golf and electrostimulation go hand in hand. Golf is a precision sport in which the metabolic requirements (caloric expenditure, heart rate, lactate accumulation …) are not too high. Very often, people tend to think wrongly that it is alow demand sport, in which injuries will be improbable and the physical preparation does not play a fundamental role. This misguided reasoning […]

WB EMS wireless Wiemspro: Customised electrostimulation

Experience the complete freedom and flexibility of the electrostimulation which the WB EMS Wireless Wiemspro provides. With its customised workout program, create personalised electric impulse profiles for your clients. WB EMS Wireless Wiemspro. Your training customised to the full The WB EMS Wireless Wiemspro is an innovative electrostimulation training program, which allows you to completely customise your muscle electrostimulation training programs, […]