What makes Wiemspro system so unique in whole-body electrostimulation?

Today we are going to talk about the key which makes Wiemspro the pioneer in the electrostimulation world, a service and a quality product which changes your sport centre in a more quality business due to the possibilities that it offers to trainers and users. The more appreciate values are support and technology, do you […]

5 Tips to succeed in your electrostimulation service

5 habitos para tener exito-wiemspro

Nowadays the whole-body electrostimulation is a service much in demand. After several years’ experience in fitness the target has grown and is not satisfied with any service. Today, we give you 5 basic tips which will help you to make the most of your personal training service and succeed with electrostimulation. 1. Do not lie […]

What is exactly the whole body electrostimulation?

que es la ems a cuerpo completo-wiemspro

Have you heard about whole-body electrostimulation? Are you in a mess and you do not know whether to try it? Surely you have read and heard opinions of all kinds, often with little foundation. Today we are going to give you a simple explanation based on experience and real knowledge, not assumptions or beliefs. Go! […]

Electrostimulation during group training (part 1)


Today we would like to talk about a part of the training by electrostimulation that just few people knows and applies today: group training with electrostimulation. Until the irruption of Wiemspro into the market, the performance of this type of training sessions was complex and, above all, there were many limits in the control of the session and the movement of the […]

Electrostimulator machine: What you need to know in order to select one

An electro stimulator machine is basically an electric wave generator device. Those electric waves are transmitted through electrodes which are in contact with the user skin or attached to it by a wet piece of cloth between the electrode and the skin. There exists different types of devices which could be classified according to their purpose […]

Effort recovery with electrostimulation system


Today we began a line of post that will aim to show both professionals and users the versatility of the wireless whole body electromyostimulation system Wiemspro. We will see how whole body electromyostimulation is a technology with multiple applications. Today we will focus on recovery process after or between efforts. Wireless electrostimulation Wiemspro- How to […]

Personal training based on whole body electrostimulation


On personal training, every good personal trainer knows that strength levels that somebody can develop are directly related with his heath and life quality. It can be apply to all population groups, it does not matter its age, although in elderlier groupa the results are more evident. That is why in every personal training program is fundamental the […]

Electrostimulation and Golf


Golf and electrostimulation go hand in hand. Golf is a precision sport in which the metabolic requirements (caloric expenditure, heart rate, lactate accumulation …) are not too high. Very often, people tend to think wrongly that it is alow demand sport, in which injuries will be improbable and the physical preparation does not play a fundamental role. This misguided reasoning […]

WB EMS wireless Wiemspro: Customised electrostimulation

Experience the complete freedom and flexibility of the electrostimulation which the WB EMS Wireless Wiemspro provides. With its customised workout program, create personalised electric impulse profiles for your clients. WB EMS Wireless Wiemspro. Your training customised to the full The WB EMS Wireless Wiemspro is an innovative electrostimulation training program, which allows you to completely customise your muscle electrostimulation training programs, […]