Toning & Muscle Post

Electrostimulation Fitness

Defining and achieving muscle hypertrophy can become a difficult task. Sometimes we spend more time in the gym than at home, and we still can’t get the results we want. An electrostimulation workout of 20 minutes twice a week can be the difference that you get to set your goals. In this category, you will find posts related to muscle toning in men and women, and how to increase your muscle mass with an electrostimulation workout.

What to eat after training to achieve your goals
Toning & Muscle

What to eat after training?

If you have recently started training, it is normal for you to have doubts about what to eat after training, so in this post, we

Know the multiple uses of Electrostimulation
Body composition

Know the multiple Electrostimulation applications

Electrostimulation is used for more than muscle rehabilitation, or commonly called electrotherapy, which is widely used in physiotherapy to treat injuries in elite professional athletes.

The main benefit that electro can bring is to strengthen calves. Complete an electrostimulation training and see the difference.
Toning & Muscle

Work your calves with electrostimulation

The calves are muscles that are used a lot in everyday life, being the muscles that suffer the most. When we work these muscles doing

Toning & Muscle

Electrostimulation and crossfit

More and more people are becoming part of the Crossfit community. This sport is in increasing demand and is considered the fashionable sport in 2021.

Gain muscle mass with electrostimulation
Toning & Muscle

Gain muscle mass with electrostimulation

In recent years, electrostimulation has been rising as a complement to training to increase the capabilities and well-being of the body and mind. There are

Electrostimulation for quadriceps
Toning & Muscle

Electrostimulation for Quadriceps

Showing off athlete’s legs is, for many sports lovers, their best purpose. It is also a goal for those who regularly go to the gym
